Shaking my head

This post got me thinking about some doctors and their callous sense of everyday life. I think sometimes they forget that just because they see things day in and day out, that the rest of us aren't quite as de-sensitized to the whole bodily process and pain thing.

It always amazes me when a doctor has a could care less attitude. Not all in the medical field are this way...let me stipulate! Most are great with bedside manner. The reason they got into the field is that they care, but some just should change professions. Like the nurses that stick my son with shots or swab his throat in a rough manner, because they don't take time to be careful. Those are the kind of people I'm talking about here. Thankfully I've got a great G.P. and Pediatrician that are empathetic. Now my OBGYN, although a wonderful doctor and caring to a point, is someone who is rather clueless to certain things like pain.

I know next to having a baby, there is no such thing as pain. So I can see why an OBGYN has little tolerance for most women's standard aches and even some in labor are bothersome to them. BUT the post, mentioned above, made me remember one of my last visits, other than just a check-up.

I had an ingrown hair, you know where right on the outside edge of my bikini area. Unfortunately, it got infected and was about the size of a peanut. I reluctantly went to him, because I had no other recourse.

He looked it over and said, "uh-huh that's got to come out." (Well duh) He asked the nurse for a scalpel and told me to hang on. Now that didn't sound good! I thought he'd inject me with a local...NOPE.

The next thing I knew he was cutting a large slice into me. OUCheee Wawa! I looked up at him with big eyes, and the next thing he said was, "Oops, that didn't take...not deep enough. I gotta go back in."

Seriously? It was a joke right? The first time hurt bad enough. I asked him if he was going to deaden the area, and he politely responded, "Why? That would hurt just as much as the scalpel would." The look he gave me was incredulous, and then back in he went to cut a lot deeper until I heard a pop noise.

He didn't stitch anything up but told me to soak and medicate for a couple of days. I left limping and shaking my head. This is the same doctor that didn't give me correct directions to the maternity ward and landed me in cardiology to have my baby.

You gotta love the medical field some days...

If my brother in law or future sister in law read this they're gonna get mad at me, as one's a doctor and the other a nurse. (I apologize in advance) They're both exceptions to this post by the way. They're both caring, empathetic, and extremely competent.


Anonymous said…
OW. My bikini line hurts just reading that! I think some doctors get so wrapped up in the day to day stuff that they forget they are dealing with people, not just cases. The good one's never lose sight of the fact that we are human.
carrie said…
that is horrid!! You've got to be kidding me!

what are they thinking? they get paid way too much for that crap.

thanks for pointing me to your post...
Anonymous said…
That's crazy. There should be a law that dictates that anytime you are even shown a scalpel, there should be anesthesia involved. Anything they make horror movies out of should not be casually stuck into you.
Kimberly McKay said…
Preachin' to the choir. I love my OBGYN by the way, he's just a little quirky....obviously!
Anonymous said…
I've had experience with less-than-compassionate medical professionals too. It sucks!
Remind me not to go to your OBGYN if I get an infected hair around my Speedo line!
Momo Fali said…
You MUST find a new doctor!!!!!
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm just glad it's only annual paps now! ;)
Meg said…
I totally agree with momo fali...FIND a new doctor! THAT is crazy...a "local" was totally in order!

Joeprah said…
Dude needs a beat down.
Kimberly McKay said…
It's a good thing I have a somewhat decent pain tolerance level! I still cringe when thinking about that!
Anonymous said…
"hold still a moment while i make an incision..."

whoa lady ... that's my mansack you're about to carve like a turkey. get away from me with that knife.

oh get over it already - it's just a teeny weeny pain. just take your lip and stretch it over your head. see? no pain."

(bloghoppin' on a Friday night)
April said…
Yet another reason I always go to a female ob/gyn! I had one male who got irritated with me because I hadn't been shaving around my C-section - less than 6 weeks after it! Yeah, I wasn't really worried about body hair at the time!
BTW, I don't think anyone in the medical field should be offended by this post. You stated very clearly it only applies to some, not all!

Blog Hoppin',
Balancing Hops
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty sure if the roles were reveresed and you were leering over his bikini line with a scalpel in your hand, he'd be much more compassionate.
Honeybell said…
Oh. My. Get a new OBGYN, STAT! BTW- I am a nurse, and I'm in NO WAY offended, just appalled at your ass of a doctor. Always remember, they may not behave like it, but your doctor is in your employ . . . you ARE paying him/her. Your doctor should also be your advocate. I numb people just to start their IV if they want it, much less cutting on them with a scalpel!

Kimberly McKay said…
I'm smiling at all your comments. He's actually a pretty decent guy, but he's clueless to pain. But you're right if the roles were reversed.....hmmmmm.....:)
Rebecca said…
I cringed a little for you when I read that. Forget the local I'd asked to be put under. Which is odd since I went through both of my kids L&D without an epidural but I really am a wussy. Hope you've healed up & are feeling better now.
Karen MEG said…
Ouchie is right! Don't mean to generalize, but I had a male ob/gyn first baby, at 6 wk post baby check asked him to fix up some of the stitching and he asked me why bother, especially if I was going to have another baby. Why bother? well, I was bleeding still; and it wasn't healing he said, OK and then the whole "fixing" procedure was WORSE than labour.. and then it never really healed.
Went to a female ob/gyn a few months later... fixed it right away, didn't feel a thing. My new doctor for baby #2.

You, my dear obviously have a very high tolerance for pain!

Kimberly McKay said…
Wow....that's amazing. Well considering I didn't feel any labor pains until the last phase, level 4, I guess I do. Man I can't believe he said "why bother"....I'd have thrown something at him.
Barbie said…
You poor thing, that must have really hurt, I think I would have told that doctor that if her didn't plan on giving me a local injection to numb the pain, then I'm outa here,lol!!
I really enjoyed reading your blogs about spring and being worn out,well written. Hope you get the warmer weather you so wish for :)

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