Accident Update

So I finally got my rental yesterday...Yay! I only get fifteen dollars a day from my rental insurance, but Enterprise didn't have any lower end econ cars so they upgraded me for free. So now I'm a hip momma driving a big Nitro. Watch out, world.

It's nice to have something different to drive for a few days...or weeks depending on how long my cars in the shop. It's not even been seen by an adjuster yet so who knows I'll be getting attached to the Dodge.

Yesterday I found out from my insurance company that the kid that hit me and was ticketed at the site, is fighting his ticket. He's claiming it's my fault.

Let me ask you. How is it my fault, when he ran his stop sign and T-boned my car...especially when I had NO stop sign?

Today I'm calling the officer from the accident to make sure he's at this young kid's court date. And you better believe me and my husband will be there as well. His insurance won't claim liability without that ticket standing.

What would you do??


Kimberly McKay said…
I agree. This will be a test of my patience. That's an area where I'm weak. I get so frustrated at other's when they behave this way.
carrie said…
I am so sorry that happened to you!!! What a pain.

He won't get out of it. Stay on top of things and make sure though, just for your sake!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Carrie. Staying on top of it I think is key.
Amy said…
Oh my gosh, that is just insane!! What an idiot to fight that, I hope he learns a good lesson in responsibility!
Anonymous said…
I'd do just what you're planning to do. What a brat that kid is! I hope the judge smacks him upside the head! Keep me posted!
Stay with it! I don't think he is a good flower candidate! :o)
Meg said…
Just keep moving forward with it, he won't get out of it! Hey...get with me when you can...whether on C8 or email me I want to run something by you!

Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
His fighting the ticket may be a way to lower his fine. I'm not sure, but I know that works in some states. Still, it's a headache for you to have to keep tabs on this!
Anonymous said…
I would think that the fact that you got T-boned when he had a stop sign would be evidence enough from an insurance investigation standpoint. I have been in way more ambiguous accidents (where I was in the right of course!) where the insurance companies just looked at the evidence and came to an agreement. I can't believe that something so open and shut would be contested??? Just bring pictures of the intersection and pictures of your damage. I know you'd win this if you were in the People's Court. Hands down. Because Judge Milian rules! Hopefully this judge is as no-BS as she is.
Rebecca said…
I hope the cop does show up at court, he's likely counting on the cop not showing & getting out of the ticket. If the cop shows no way is he getting out of it. ((hugs)) Hope it all works out!
Anonymous said…
that would be insane if that teenage punk gets out of the ticket. I would do everything in my power to make sure the ticket stands up in court.
Joeprah said…
He's a scared kid. I wouldn't expect different from a punk like that. You will get him though.
Tara R. said…
Yes... I would so be at that hearing. Good idea to check with the reporting officer. Cool temp car though!

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