Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said…
I'm so sad. I loved him.
Rebecca said…
I was surprised to hear about his death yesterday and sad for his little daughter. I think he had a promising career ahead of him.
Kimberly McKay said…
I am sad too. It resounds of James Dean, another promising young actor, who's quick departure still is deeply remembered.
Anonymous said…
So sad. Such a loss of talent.
Joeprah said…
What? I hadn't heard...quite a shock! This is exactly why I like reading blogs, I am out of touch and get lots of news from my feed reader. Thanks for posting this and yes it is sad to hear.
Anonymous said…
Tragic. I pray that somehow his death bring someone to the Lord.

Anonymous said…
So very sad, even worse because it sounds like a genuine mistake. His daughter is only 2, right? Poor baby is never going to know her daddy.
piper said…
What a great wordless wednesday idea. I'm so sad about Heath dying, it's so shocking, even still.

I wanted to tell you that your little words to me the other day regarding me being unorganized, and not worrying about it, because it would change my creativity...
you were a breath of fresh air! So smart, you are so smart, and witty, and funny!! But, the more I've come to know you, I have to tell you, I'm evermore impressed by you and your depth and sincerity. You are a phenominal person! What a blessing to know you!

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