Unexpected Fatherhood

For Christmas, my son got a hermit crab. Our 9-year-old neighbor girl across the street has one, named Larry, which he's always been fascinated with. She'll bring Larry over to play, which just thrills my kid. For months, he's been wanting one.
One of my husband's co-workers got one as a gift, at the office, and was far from thrilled. My husband offered to take it off his hands, and we surprised my son on Christmas day. Now it's his own personal pet. Not that our dog isn't loved by my son, but this was given to him and it's all his. He knew he couldn't name it Larry since that name belongs to hermit crab across the street. So he improvised and stole from his favorite new character from the Bee Movie, Barry Bee Benson. My son's hermit crab is now called, LARRY LEE LENSON. :)
My son feeds it, waters it, baths it...and plays with it daily. It's actually given such pride in taking responsibility for something that he's branched out. Now he's making his bed daily and cleaning more around the house. I love this pet thing!!!
Yesterday my mom, who was watching my son, called me. My son grabbed the phone and said, "I'm mad at my son!" I responded with a snicker, while he continued, "Mom did you hear me? I'm mad at my son!"
I assumed he meant Larry Lee Lenson, since he'd taken him over to my mom's for a visit. I asked what happened and he came back with, "He pinched me, it hurt, and now I'm mad at my son!"
He said it with such vigor that I had to giggle. I told him that sometimes kids do things to upset us, but I'm sure Larry didn't mean to hurt him. He seemed satisfied with that answer and hung up.
Last night at dinner, he told my husband that he had a son now too. And now they're both dads! My husband raised his eyebrows at me and I could pretty much read his mind, not ready for this yet...
Life with my son is never dull thats for sure, because you never know what's going to pop out of his mouth.
I should have gotten my daughter a hermit crab instead of the Evil Little Beast!
great post!