
It's so beautiful here right now. This is the first snow in almost a year that wasn't classified as an ICE STORM. I was so glad today's snow was just snow, leaving everything white without the danger of ice.

Today my 4-year-old son and I have played UNO until my fingers were raw from shuffling cards. He won almost every time...even when I wasn't trying to let him win. We played for five hours. He wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't made him take a break to eat and pee once in a while. Right now he's busy folding all his laundry while I blog. He insists on folding all his own and leave the adult-sized stuff for me.

It's so funny to put away his tri-folded shirts that are kinda lumped in a fold. Hey, it's still folded...not the way I would do it...but he's taking responsibility for his own laundry! WHAT WOMAN WOULDN'T WANT THAT?

One day he's going to make his wife a very happy lady!


Anonymous said…
Oh, he is off to a GREAT start. He's going to have the girls banging down the door for his attention some day.
Kimberly McKay said…
Now if only I could get him to put his own away. We'll work on that. ;)
Anonymous said…
Wow! That's impressive that he folds his own laundry! And at 4 years old?! Just think of all he has ahead of him to learn! Cool! LOL!
Momo Fali said…
My kids' school was canceled today and it wasn't even cold...or snowing!!

Early Bloghop.

i love UNO!

A-Licious xoxoxo
Stacy said…
wow folding his laundry is a big step. My step sons barely move off the couch asking them to fold something would be more than they could take. But you would have to know their mom to understand.
Sarabeth said…
Awesome. Folding his own laundry.

Blog Hopping---HP
ShannanB said…
Where I live it's the WHITE DEATH. They have been calling for it for two days... and we've gotten nothing. They were even predicting that school would be cancelled. Boy was my son disappointed when he woke up this morning and there was no snow!

Just hoppin' around
~Anastasia Beaverhousin
Tara R. said…
A boy, who does his own folding, amazing. What is your secret? I have a 14 yo who still doesn't pick up his wet towels.

Etcetera - blog hopper
Amy said…
Oh, jealous, so jealous! You're raising him right!

blog hoppin'
the bombed mom
Karen MEG said…
I am soooo impressed! Laundry at 4 and a BOY! You are raising him well!

Bloghoppin'.... Pomtini
Honeybell said…
That's great! Your daughter in law will love you!

Drunken Honey ~ Blog hoppin'!
Anonymous said…
That is pretty cool - my son went through something like that. Unfortunately it was a short lived stage, at 17 he barely picks up his clothes, let alone fold them. :)

Chas - blog hoppin'
María said…
Rebecca said…
I'm glad the weather wasn't so wild. And it's GREAT that he wants to fold his own clothes. Michael tries sometimes but just rolls things in a ball. He is big on hanging up his own clothes though so I'll take what I can get. It's great to let kids help out with things around the house when they're younger to form the habit. Even when it's not done the same or as quickly as we would do.
Kimberly McKay said…
He thinks its a game...who can run the fastest with laundry and get it put up. It's great. BUT like someone said up above me...wait till he's 17 and isn't into chores anymore.
Anonymous said…
A four year old who has the attention span to play Uno for 5 hours?? What do you feed him? Because I gotta mix some of that into my kid's drink.

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