From my shoot on Saturday

Just wanted you all to see the fruit of my labor from Saturday. These are a couple of many of my favorite shots I took. Stop by and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said…
What a wonderful location.. This is adorable. You are good.
Yr great! Thanks for the visit! I am about to devour yr blog now :) Amy
Anonymous said…
These are stunning! You have such talent!!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! You do *amazing* work! Beautiful shots!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thank you (blush). I was excited at how well these turned out!
Mahala said…
I'm totally jealous!
Kimberly McKay said…
You should go to the park and take a few shots (photos) or shots (jello)....whatever you feel like.
Momo Fali said…
Those are gorgeous! I'm so jealous. My pictures all look like my kids took them.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks momo...
I usually use my camera phone for blogging, and never get very good photos. The wife has a fantastic camera, but tells me i'll break it!! (she's probably right)
Your pictures look great :)
thank you!! for coming by to see me...i must apologize for being super slack....i have had the flu and havent been blog hopping or posting as i should the past 8/9 days (yikes) such a bad bad blogger i am!

now im having to catch up on WORK (yay)AND blogging.... ;o)

i enjoyed your comments! i hope you will cont to hop by and i promise i will be back on my blog-a-licious blogging trail SOON!


;o) A-Licious xoxoxox
Killlashandra said…
Beautiful sunlight in the hair. They're both lovely!
Rebecca said…
Those look great! I love the one on the water. Glad it went well!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks all. If I could do that full time I would. One of these days, maybe I'll work up to it so I can quit my sales job! It might take a couple of years, but thats my goal.
she is gorgeous!!
Joeprah said…
Great Photos! What editing software do you use? Really cool poses! Nice work.
Kimberly McKay said…
Adobe Photoshop it. Thanks...I think my previous modeling days comes in handy when getting the most from my subjects.

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