Buttcrack Blues

I think I may start a campaign in my state for butt crack awareness. I swear - I have never seen so much butt crack in my life as I have in the last few weeks. It's not like I'm looking for it either...it just seems to find me.

Like when I'm walking to the car lot to see a potential client... BUTT crack... or when there may be a girl leaning over cleaning cars...not caring what she's showing to the rest of the world. You guessed it!

Even driving down the road... two workmen fixing cable on the side of the road and showing ...yup, there it is! It's right out there for anyone's viewing pleasure.

But the worst is when I'm at a restaurant... sitting down for a nice meal... and the table next to us... (sigh) butt crack, hanging out for all to see. Please, people. It's not very appetizing.

Now I know I'm not the only one seeing this! Doesn't anyone else mind? And believe me, with the lower jeans I've got in my wardrobe, I know I've had a day or two when I didn't have a shirt long enough to cover. The difference is I'm aware of it and don't make any sudden moves to display myself for all to see. And if I did...then I'd apologize and cover it!

Anyone else out there have any ideas to let these people to know cover it up?


Sunshine said…
I think butt crack is here to stay until pants start heading back north.

Perhaps a deterrent would be to arm yourself with a pack of sharpened pencils and pop them into offending butt cracks??
Kimberly McKay said…
That made me laugh...it's a good idea! Or maybe some ice cubes?
Anonymous said…
I laughed out loud on this one.. It is true.. butt crack is everywhere.. and I am not sure how to fix that.. Maybe print some stickers and tell people they have been fined? hehee
Unknown said…
Hahaha...I think that may be in these days...especially amongst the 18-21 crowd. I don't get it. Kind of like being arrested for DWI, all the celebrites are doing it. I agree 100%. Maybe just "try" to hide it. It's not as nice as they think it is :o}
Kimberly McKay said…
Kimmylyn...we could call it a hiney fine! :) LOL!
Anonymous said…
I don't think slender peole look good with it showing. When they are fat, and it is hanging out, I want to hurl.
EE said…
I saw butt crack in Hobby Lobby today. A woman was leaning over her stroller and I guess that she didn't realize that she was letting it all hang out.
Butt crack is bad, but so is front butt:o
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the laugh (not so much for the visual). ha! ha!!!
piper said…
Somehow low rise jeans got invented after thongs became popular, then going comando became the rage ( I think because of the perma-wedgies from thongs ) and ta-da...everybody's booty is on display!

I agree with you! It's never going to be cute!!!
Anonymous said…
I confess that it was intriguing for a few seconds when I was an adult returning to college a couple of years ago. But, as I now see buttcracks everywhere, AND ON PEOPLE THAT SHOULD NEVER EVER SHOW THOSE PARTS OF THEMSELVES, I am with you.

Have fun!
Rebecca said…
Oh man I can't stand this either. And for some reason it seems worse when a girl does it, like she should be more aware of these things. Maybe telling them to "just say no to crack" will get them thinking about it. I get the underwear that specifies it won't creep out of low rise pants and wear longer shirts when wearing lower pants. I'm sure plenty of people don't realize but the worst is when they know it and like it or just don't care.
Joeprah said…
I agree that crack is out there, but you highlighted the fact that it resides now not only with men, but with the ladies too. I don't know what they are thinking or if they are just larger folks trying to fit into a size that they managed themselves into 7 years ago and it shows via crack. I hate crack and find it avoidable at least and disgusting at worst.
Kimberly McKay said…
Maybe the workmen have tool weight their pants down, to help the view a little? I still think they should wear longer shirts....ewww.

Rebecca we should make some shirts with your comment, "Just say no to crack"
Anonymous said…
I SO agree! In fact, I published an online poem on this overexposure phenomenon, which I dubbed "the inverted grin."

Want to read it?


Kimberly McKay said…
I'll go read it...thanks for the link!
Anonymous said…
Funny how "fashions" change...A few years ago it was the guys wearing tight jeans and pants with the girls wearing looser fitting clothes. Now, it's the guys who are wearing stuff that looks like it came from a 70's garage sale. I agree with you that Butt Crack and Camel Toes aren't pretty. It just shows a lot of class.....all low!
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm giggling Auntie K! I can always count on you to cut to the heart of it with wit. Yes, toes are gross...cracks of all sorts are gross!
Momo Fali said…
Gross! I don't want to see anyone's butt cracks!
Fawn said…
I will absolutely join your campaign against butt crack. I refuse to believe it's not more than a sad passing trend. I mean, seriously, it's BUTT.CRACK.
Kimberly McKay said…
Ah, you all are making me laugh...thanks I needed that today!

Maybe someone out there will think twice now about flashing their crack. Ya think?
mandy said…
more power to ya!!!
Rebecca said…
I actually know someone who makes shirts so if you really wanted a "Just Say No to {Butt} Crack" shirt I could get ya one. ;)
Anonymous said…
Yes, the crack she is EVERYWHERE. Short of gouging your eyes out I don't believe there is a plausible work around.
Stacy said…
other than pointing and laughing I'm out of ideas
Unknown said…
I like to make comments as if they didn't know, like, "oh, did you know your butt crack is showing?" Or if a woman's breasts is on display (on purpose) I like to respond this way to as if I think they accidently put it out there for all to see!
Anonymous said…
This is all funny - yet, not really! I too have felt like saying "oops, your pants are falling off" or felt like yanking em down! (I'd get in trouble for sexual harrassment, even though they are indecently exposed!) Good thoughtful topic!
Kimberly McKay said…
Glad you stopped by and thank you for the comment. I feel like pulling them up by the belt loops!
Anonymous said…
too funny! my husband is always harping on me about letting my crack show...I assure him that I only let it show at home!!!! (recently I've been buying higher rise jeans and wearing belts!)I am not so careless in public! I figure it is sort of like walking around with your tag out or with toilet paper on your foot...I would want someone to tell me, so I figure I'll tell them!!! But of course, how???? "Yo, your butt is showing and no one wants to see it!" LOL!

Anonymous said…
hahaha! Oh how I hate the butt crack and it's systemic. When I was working at a university in Canada I was horrified about all of the students with their muffin tops and low rider jeans, butt crack in full view. Then I noticed it was common with some of the staff as well!

Kimberly McKay said…
No matter how you spin it...it's just wrong! ;)
Anonymous said…
So what's wrong with it? I love to wear those ultra low rise jeans, and yes ppl obviously can see my ass hanging out when i'm sitting. When you don't like it, don't look at it!
Anonymous said…
Well, I agree with you in that I don't like seeing butt crack on guys or girls. But unfortunately, as someone who was blessed with a very high crack himself, I am constantly suffering from plumber's Butt. I know it's gross, I've tried everything to keep it from happening but somehow nothing seems to work. So I've sort of given up and realized it's just the way it's gonna be. For a while it really bothered me but then I thought to myself "So people can see my butt--there's worse things that could happen." My friends and family have learned to accept me, butt crack and all.

That said, I do feel bad for others who have to see it. And I apolgize to you personally, wornoutwoman, since I'm probably one of the people whose butt crack you've seen on the street and been grossed out by!
Anonymous said…
What is wrong with you people? Any red blooded American boy with a heart beat should love to see a women with part of her ass exposed. I know it's popular to say "I hate crack", but you know it makes something stir inside you. I love it when a women decides to share a glimpse of her behind with me! Long live the low rise.
Kimberly McKay said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimberly McKay said…
James - no need to apologize. I wrote this in jest that day, as it just seemed to find me wherever I went. I know it is something that just happens to all of us from time to time. We all have one. LOL

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