All about daddy...

In the last couple of weeks, my son and husband have been as thick as thieves. He has to wear the same clothes as the same things as him...and be with him 24-7.

It's so nice to see them rolling around on the floor, playing trucks, and watching sports together. My husband is really enjoying this age. My son is past the fragile age...past the baby stage (sniff)...and is growing up to be just like his daddy.

He even has little black 'Adidas' basketball shorts that are almost identical to my husband's. Each afternoon when I bring him home, that's the first thing he puts on. I have to fight him each morning to make him put regular clothes on for school. He thinks he can wear them every day -- all day. It doesn't matter to him that it's 37 degrees outside.

This morning he woke up and called my husband at work. He's got his and my cell phone numbers memorized (he has since he was 3). He chastised my husband for leaving for work without him today.

After all...they're supposed to do EVERYTHING together!!


How sweet is that...
Kimberly McKay said…
I makes my heart melt.
that's so sweet! it's so adorable when little boys start emulating their dads!
Anonymous said…
Enjoy the precious moments while you can. They grow up so fast and each day is a different one in a child's many things to do and see and yet they never quit being a total marvel!
Joeprah said…
Great to see that. Dads rule. Period.
Tam said…
Our son is 11 and swears he will never leave us. OH NO! Anyways, I always tell him how precious that is but inform him the day will come when he'll want to leave. He'll just stare at me in astonishment and disbelief. it makes me laugh. But truly, right no, I treasure it!
Kimberly McKay said…
I think little boys are the best. My mom had two girls and she said girls were way easier...but from what I see in today's world, I think boys are (so far).
Rebecca said…
How sweet is that! I think it's a little funny that your mom said girls were easier when that's all she had - my mom said the same thing. So far my girl isn't too different but I'll let you know as the years bring change.

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