You got me?

Today was a momentous occasion as a mom, as I watched my son take flight on his bike... without training wheels. We took them off last week, but today was the first day he felt daring enough to try his riding it without the safety net.

We got home around five p.m. and the beautiful weather just beckoned. As soon as he got out of the car, he wanted to try riding. I didn't worry too much about the helmet and knee pads, as I wasn't going to let go, so off we went holding him steady on his bike. He toodled around the driveway a few times until I offered a venture on the sidewalk. It was a much straighter path, and it would be easier on my back as I bent over to hold him steady.

Once I saw how well he was doing, driving a straight line, I slowly let go. I told him, "I still got 'cha buddy. Keep going!" In truth, I was close enough to catch him if he fell, but he was sailing fast and furious on his own volition down the sidewalk without any knowledge of my release. It was one of 'the' most proud moments as a mom so far. It's right up there with his first step!

Once his first wheel ran into the grass, I grabbed his seat and slowed him down. He got off and turned around with the biggest smile. He realized that I grabbed ahold of him to stop him from falling, and it dawned on him he'd been riding solo.

"Did you let go, Mom?"
"Yes, I did...I'm so proud of you!"
(huge smile) "Can we do it again?"
"Sure we can...let's go!"

Thirty more minutes of riding solo down a 10-foot path...back and forth...until I had to force him to come inside. The street lights were turning on, and the temperature was dropping a little. When we started back inside, I kissed the top of his head and hugged him tight. He turned his little face-up and said, "I blew you a kiss from my heart..."

It's been a really great day!


Tam said…
"I blew you a kiss from my heart..."

You got my eyes leaking now... that is precious!
Veronica Foale said…
You must be so proud! So clever!
Anonymous said…
Isn't it great seeing them ride a bike for the first time?! Two of my kids learned to ride over the summer, and it was if they had always known how. I loved watching their confidence.
Anonymous said…
What a great accomplishment! Mine learned to ride on the grass in the back yard before they tried it on pavement. It made falling a little less traumatic.
Did you just want to melt into a puddle right there in front of him? sweet were his words, and how precious was this day!!!

Savor it, enjoy it, and soak it up!

I like this post, and it's more special than you know.
We all remember our first solo bike ride without training wheels. I can relive it in my mind like yesterday.
It seems this is an important step, as a child finds his own strengths, and powers of overcoming fear. So many more days will come where "training wheels" come off, but this one day in particular will always be the most memorable.
Congratulations to your son, and also to you :-) A very big day indeed!

Eric "Speedcat Hollydale"

ps... yes, my screen shot is of golf :-)
Kimberly McKay said…
I remember my first solo ride too! My sister pushed me down a huge hill in our drive way, and said, "I gotch ya...go!" Only she didn't have me and I flew fast down the hill, into a curb...across the street, and flipped over my hand rails. I don't remember what happened after that! Can anyone say CONCUSSION?
Anonymous said…
Awesome! Isn't it the best feeling? My son just learned to ride a 2-wheeler last month. It was truly one of the most rewarding moments of my life as a dad so far, because it didn't come natural - we had to WORK at it. It took us two days and lingering backache, but we did it! I know exactly how you must feel. I was lucky enough to catch the moment on video too (it is proudly posted it on my site).
Rebecca said…
Good job little man! Wow, I was a late bloomer. I think I was 7 before I wanted my training wheels off, and that was only because someone at school made fun of me. Anyways, sounds like he did great! So when is he going to start the Motorcross huh? ;) Oh and "I blew you a kiss from my heart..." tear!
Anonymous said…
What a sweetie pie! Little Boys are just so precious.....
Congratulations on the solo bike riding - you must be a proud mum :)
Awww .... I hate to say it, but he'll be driving your car in the blink of an eye.

And once again, you'll have to let go.
Caffeine Court said…
What a wonderful moment! You'll remember that forever! Your son is so sweet.
Kimberly McKay said…
My son is a doll and I can't believe he's getting so big. I'm blessed to have so many good moments with him...then the ones that are filled with a tantrum are overshadowed! :)

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