Play dates with the dudes!

Today my son and his two friends went to see the Bee Movie, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. There were a few things that weren't exactly on my kid-friendly approval list, but they were so far above their little heads/minds that I overlooked them. The overall message was a good one and the humor was adorable.

I toted my son and his best friend in my car, and we met his other friend and his mom at the theater. It was the first time we've gotten them all together, other than at a birthday party. It was so cool seeing their excitement just to be able to hang with the guys!

We couldn't even find the right movie screen at first. I specifically asked for (in clear English) The BEEEEE Movie at the ticket window! When we walked in, and the theater attendant took our tickets, he told us to go to theater number nineteen.

 We all walked the nine-million miles to screen number nineteen and walked in...only to find out that it wasn't The Bee Movie at all. It was full of older couples that ranged from forty to sixty. There were no kids in the audience, and the movie trailers coming on were not kid-friendly at all. My friend and I walked our boys out, and I pulled my tickets out of my pocket. They read, "American Gangster."

Now, why on earth would I take two four and a half-year-olds to American Gangster???

Didn't the girl at the ticket window have ears? Didn't the young kid at the ticket gate wonder why a mom would take young kids to a mobster movie? Puleeaase attention!

We finally found which screen the Bee Movie was playing at...a mile back at theater number two. We picked our seats and the boys told us to sit on the outside of them. They had to sit in the middle so they could be together. I know not to long into the future it will be sitting on a different row than the moms...and then just being dropped off without us or driving themselves. Sniff...

I enjoyed watching them more than the movie...their little faces and smiles, while the movie played. They'd stop and whisper to each other during certain parts of the film. I have no idea what they were talking about but it sure was cute to watch. My son had to sit in between his two friends...of course.

When we left the film, he told us, moms, "The guys walk in front and the mom's walk behind!"
He put his arms around their shoulders, guiding them ahead of the moms. I wish I had my camera, b/c it was a picture that would have been worth a thousand words.


Annette Lyon said…
Sometimes watching your kids watch something is more enjoyable than the production. Glad you had fun.
Anonymous said…
I think the coolest thing about parenthood is watching your child evolve from this helpless being to a little person, with friends, jokes and relationships all his/her own. I love to just sit back watch my son interact with random kids at the park. I sometimes hear him use phrases and mannerisms that I or my wife use. Those amuse me most.
Rebecca said…
Aw, sweet I wish you would have had your camera too! Glad your little dude had so much fun with his friends.
Hey Kim,

Just wanted to pop over to let you know that your name was picked as the WINNER of the Mel's World 200th Post!!! YEAH!!!

Shoot me an email at so that we can exhchange information so I can send it to you!!!

Congrats on winning the WARRIOR CHICKS book, a journal, a pretty pen to write in your journal with, and a spot of tea or cappucino to drink while you are reading!!!

Why do moviemakers have to sprinkle dirt into movies like that? My Sweetie loves the movie Three Men and a Little Lady, and it is indeed a funny, family friendly movie, at least 80 percent of it, with 20 percent completely unnecessary crudity.

Especially where do filmmakers get the idea that it's cute to have their child actors use foul language?

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