An Art History Lesson

I'm fighting the stomach crud this week, and yesterday it was at it's worst. My little one, being as patient as he could, finally started jumping up on the couch to cuddle. This was so sweet and endearing, but his squirming little body was making my stomach hurl.

I tried to explain to him how I felt by pointing out a print we have over our mantle. I said, "Honey see that painting above our fireplace? The one with the swirls in the night sky?"
"Well...that's how mommy's tummy feels and the more you move the more my tummy swirls around. Can you be as gentle as possible when you make any moves?"
"Yes, of course...what is that up there, Mom?"

So we got into the history of

"A long time ago we didn't have all this technology. Before we were born...there weren't camera's to take pictures, so artists did a lot of painting to show the world's beauty around them to others. And that painting up there is called Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh."

He looked up at me, saying, "I know. And he's from Paris, France! He also painted Apple and Oranges."

Now I don't know about the title of any painting Van Gogh did, called Apples and Oranges, but he definitely had his Paris period, where he studied with some great artists. I was blown away that he would know this.

I asked him where he'd heard that, and he replied in a very matter a fact voice, "At school, Mom!"

I know most of you wouldn't think that's so amazing...but I don't know too many four-year-olds that this fact would actually land and stick with. At school, most of his classmates were probably too busy looking at whatever painting they were being told about instead of learning the history of the artist. I'm so glad he's learning so much but wasn't expecting to be schooled by my four-year-old on art history. It was pretty neat.

For more info on Vincent van Gogh and his works - visit this site!


Rebecca said…
First I'm jealous that you have Starry Night hanging above your fireplace - that's been my favorite painting since 3rd grade. But I'll just be happy for you instead. :) And that is dang impressive that your son would listen to and remember that lesson in class. Hope your stomach feels better soon!
Kimberly McKay said…
It's one of my favorites too. I'm glad you're a fan! So far my stomach is still turbulent...but better than yesterday.
Anonymous said…
Well, I am impressed!
Very cool...I love it when our kids can blow us away like that...

I hope you are feeling better soon...great analogy with the swirls and your stomach though, I could feel you pain through it...

Also...when you get a chance, don't forget to get me an address to send your prize package's sitting here on my desk waiting for you!!!

Take Care,
Life As I Know It said…
This post reminded me of when my son was in preschool...we were mixing banana bread batter and he was throwing the batter off the spoon into the bowl and said "look mom, just like Jackson Pollack!".
Turns out they were studying Pollack at school...who knew.
Just found your blog and am enjoying it!
Kimberly McKay said…
wow...Jackson Pollack...that's pretty impressive. I'm so glad you made it here. I can't wait to read yours now.
suchsimplepleasures said…
very impressive. and here i am, marveling in the fact that my son can tell me the characters from his star wars action figure collection! i'm sending him to your son's school!
i hope you're feeling better. i had a stomach thing at the end of the summer...although i lost 6 took 2 weeks to get over! and, the weight came back...sigh...oh well, at least i can enjoy sushi again!
Joeprah said…
First, he said "Of course" and second he listened to you...never mind all the art history stuff, you have quite a little dude on your hands. Congrats! From reading this he has a slightly better chance at winning a future date with my toddler, however the odds currently indicate that is very slight (1:1,000,000,000) those odds are significantly better than those for other boys. Peace WoW! Check you laters!
Speedcat Hollydale said…
Hey, I think you may have a gifted child there! Wow... I don't think I will be able to remember the name of Van Gogh's other painting by the end of the day. - oppps, forgot it already.

Get well soon
Smoochiefrog said…
I'm a little late commenting on your post but I just checked out your blog.

We too have Starry Night hanging in our living room. It's my favorite Van Gogh piece. It's also one of my Webshots screensaver pics. My 2 yr old will shout out "Van Gogh" when she sees it.

The things they learn.
Eastcoastdweller said…
Let us not forget the role of the teacher in this endeavor, who deserves some praise for going above and beyond the standard curriculum.
Kimberly McKay said…
Tina...Isn't that amazing what little sponges are babies are if we only communicate to them?

Eastcoastdweller...I think you're absolutely right! I stopped in on his teacher a few days later to thank her for such wonderful lesson planning and creative teaching. She's an amazing woman,and I'm blessed that my son has her this year.

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