Words on Wednesdays

My caption: Hill-Billy
What's yours?


Unknown said…
idunno! i couldn't come up with anything - not in a very clever mode ;) good one though - happy WW!
Anonymous said…

(also wondering if Hil will cancel out Billy's need to chase skirts!)
Kimberly McKay said…
LOL! Terri that's pretty funny.
Holy Smokes that is TOO funny!!! I couldn't think of ANYTHING...all I could do was laugh...

Rebecca said…

Your caption is too good! I can't come up with anything else.
Joeprah said…
Rod-Him! LOL!
Kimberly McKay said…
LOL! Thats funny!
Annie said…
Hill-Billy, I love it!
Motherwise said…
Morph fiend

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