The beauty of life

What do you find beautiful? I think it's different for each and every one of us. Tonight as I sat on my porch, watching my son and husband play soccer in the yard, I realized just how beautiful life can be.

If you ever read my other blog, daily blessings, you'll know how blessed I feel on a daily basis. So why was tonight so special?

Because my husband and I are so financially strapped that it's not even funny, but no matter how bad that life is still perfect just the way it is. To hear my son's laughter, and see his smile as he spends time with his parents overshadows all the stresses in my life.

Do I wish I still had a job with a stable income? Yes! Would I sacrifice the time away from my son to do so? NO WAY!

I left a job, of five years, making over 70K but was becoming so involved at work that I had nothing left over to give my family. Now I work from home, on straight commission. If I don't sell....I don't bring home a paycheck. Some months are steady, and then there are months like last month where no money came home. And we're in the hole...trying to survive.

So this month I take a deeper breath, dig in and work hard while I while still being able to spend time with my family. God is good!

Even if we have to take a hit financially for a little while now, while I'm waiting for my client base to build up, it's worth skimping and living below our means. BECAUSE I'm now making in an investment in my son, and that's time I'd never get back. Life is not only's beautiful.


Caffeine Court said…
You are absolutely right! I was talking with my uncle today and we shared your sentiments. These are the days we should cherish. My children and husband are healthy, we have great friends and family and I count my blessings every day.

Your blog is very special!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm glad you agree how great life can be. It means you're prioritizing things correctly in your home...great for you!

I will stop by your blog first thing in the morning to catch up on you. As for now...getting ready to go to sleep!
Tam said…
You're right on! We are in the same position. Financially it so incredibly stressful for us. One main income and a pastors one at that...pretty hard. I stopped working outside the home 3 years ago. It was the hardest and best thing we've ever done for our family. Financially, it doesn't make sense - but for our family - nothing else will do!
Momo Fali said…
I couldn't agree more!
Irene said…
I am getting to that point. My husband is the stay at home parent, but there are times when I wish I was the one at home. Work has taken a backseat to a lot of thing and I'm starting to wonder how I can get our lives to be a better balance.
Rebecca said…
Just remember that God is faithful, he is your provider of all things and will take care of you & your family. I think you've made a great choice. And I think you have such a great attitude, to recognize the positive things and be content where you are at.
Avery Gray said…
This time with them is so precious. You're right--life is beautiful, and family is definitely worth sacrificing for. Great post!
Sleeping Beauty said…
This is a wonderful post. I think, many of us, forget to stop and smell the roses.
Joeprah said…
You got the right attitude! I couldn't agree more. When you see your children's smiling face how could you think life is anything but beautiful!

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