No drooling please

My son goes through phases on when and if he wants to do his bed time prayers. Most nights I do them, and then he'll get a wild hair and decide it's his turn. His reason? Because I take "toooo" long!

I usually go through and thank Jesus for all our special family and friends. Thank you for both Nana's...thank you for Aunts Cheri and Kathy....etc

Now when he prays he gets straight to the heart of it because apparently, I'm too wordy. Here's his normal prayer when he chooses to lead us:

"Dear Jesus, thank you for all my people! Please put Jesus in all bad stranger's hearts. And thank you for Abayasenga (our child in Africa, we sponsor) and for helping up sleep through the night! Amen!"

I can't help but smile and the 'all my people' part, because he doesn't like that I list out ten different people at a time. It's mostly in an effort to get him sleepy, but also to remind him to be thankful for those in our lives that we love.

Last night he changed his prayer up a bit. We'd visited our favorite restaurant for dinner last night, where the owner sat and visited with us while her new baby girl was in her lap. He kept asking me why babies had to drool!

"What's wrong with baby's mouth's mom that they drool?"

I reminded him that he used to do that as well...all babies do. He continued to ask why, and I explained to him about teething.

Last night he prayed:

"Dear Jesus, thank you for all my people! Please give us a baby any day now...tomorrow or the next day. Please give me a baby sister, only don't let her drool! No drooling on my stuff or mommy's stuff or daddy's. PLEASE don't let it drool on any of our stuff. Thank you! Amen!"

It was the funniest prayer I've ever heard. He's such a sweet kid and desperately wants a sibling, but apparently not at the cost of drooling!


Anonymous said…
Oh, that was just tooooo funny! I was laughing so hard in here that both my kids stopped playing and demanded to know what was so funny : ) Thanks for sharing such a cute story!
Tam said…
CUTE! Hater of drool! Sounds like he'd make a cool big brother someday ;)
Rebecca said…
That is sweet "any day now..." and the drooling part is hilarious. It's sorta fun to 'torture' the older kids with the drooling baby. If you get one of those drooling babies I'll tell you all about it ;)
Ute said…
Well, I hope I'm not one of the "bad strangers"... but even so, this is so cute and so honest. Gotta love what kids say, and it's great that you're writing it down here. It'll be a great memory for you many years from now. :)
Kimberly McKay said…
He's still talking about drool today. Not sure why it's such an issue for him. Every kid is so different and funny in their own way. Drool? Who'd da thunk?

Ute...I'm sure you're not one of those bad strangers....and yes it is a great memory.
Anonymous said…
Something special for you at my place... Come see! : )
Anonymous said…
Pretty soon it will be, "Thank you for all my peeps." (JK) He seems like such a gift!
Mommin' It Up! said…
That's so cute! My son always wants ME to pray and I always want HIM to pray - we have the opposite problem!
Tam said…
Hey - I was just checkin out my flickr acct. and noticed a couple comments on a couple pics...didn't even know you could do that, anyways, they were from you! But you know that already!

Hope you're doing well :)
Bananas said…
his first prayer? I so love it. That's the PERFECT prayer, in my opinion. I'm not big into religion, and we don't go to church. Most days I dont' even know what I believe. But this post inspires me to want to do a prayer with CJ. What a great way to end the day... to focus on being thankful.
Natalie said…
Awww, that is so sweet. :) My son calls his friends his "people".

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