Why I love my husband

My husband is the one who does most of the grocery shopping in our home. Since he's got severe food allergies, he knows what he can and can't eat. So it's just more convenient for him to do than me.

Luckily for him, this means he gets to do all my shopping too...for things like female necessities and such. He's such a good sport...especially last night when I came home late from a funeral and forgot to pick up some pads on the way home.

He gave me that look that left no room for interpretation and got his keys. I was getting my son ready for bed, while my husband ran to Walgreens. He needed a few toiletries for himself too, so it wasn't all in vain.

After successfully getting my son tucked in, I walked to my room to get ready for bed. I walked in the bathroom and picked what I expected would be normal KOTEX maxi-thins, except it wasn't KOTEX at all. I softly hollered into our room, "Hey what's this?"

"Oh. I couldn't find your normal brand, so I bought the Walgreens brand."

Nodding my head to myself, I thought..."Okay, no biggie. I'll use their brand.""

Well, imagine my surprise when I take one out of its package. It looked a little big to be a normal maxi.

Okay...maybe it's an overnight pad? I thought and proceeded to set it where it goes.

I walked out of the bathroom and felt unusually protected. I felt usually odd. It prompted me to walk back into the bathroom and thoroughly inspect the branded packaging.

It read: Discreet Bladder Control

I laughed my head off. No wonder he couldn't find my regular brand! He wasn't even on the right aisle...LOL!

I asked him if he read what he bought. He said he saw the word PADS and that was it! So as I had no alternatives last night, I used what he bought and felt weird the whole night through.

My silly husband is one of a kind and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He even told me that when he bought them...he firmly set them in front of the cashier and said, "I love my wife!"


Rebecca said…
ROFLMAO!!!! Oh I needed that this morning. I guess he didn't spend too much time perusing the aisles, sounds like he made a mad dash & grabbed the first thing he saw that said pads. Being at Walgreens you were lucky he came home with something you could use for the night at least. A few other items that you may find at Walgreens with the word pad: Caroline Pad 3 Ring Binder, Brain Pad Mouthpiece Jr. Strap, Moist/Dry Heating Pad, Scar Therapy Clear Pads, Arthritis Pad Soothing Pain Relief, Daily Cleansing Pads, Hemerroidal Pads, Deodarant Pads, etc. But they do suggest Maxi Pads. That's straight from the results of searching the word "pads" on their website. Have a great day!
Tam said…
he firmly set them in front of the cashier and said, "I love my wife!"...bladder control issues and all!

this is hysterical!
Kimberly McKay said…
He's a funny guy! Most people assume I'm at home laughing all the time. Most days I do...others Im just rolling my eyes! LOL!
Rebecca said…
I shared your story with my best friend who is also getting a monthly visit and she appreciated the laugh. We both thank you for sharing. Tam's comment had me laughing again.
Anonymous said…
Your hubby is a GOOD SPORT! Thanks for the laugh!
Rudi said…
lol. So funny. It's a "cute" mistake. Lot's of men wouldn't even think of going to the shop to buy them.

Lovely post :-)
Annie said…
HILARIOUS! I knew what it was going to be before I got to the punchline :) My hubs would have made the same mistake just as easily, I am sure of it!
Unknown said…
OMg - I read this post outloud to my hubby when I started laughing and snorting so hard!

His comment was simple:

'Well he can't go to that Walgreens again!'

..I subbed you on bloglines! thanks for stopping by my blog and the linkie in your sidebar - when I get my blog fully running I will add you!

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