Love Notes

My son is at an age, where the boys and girls are already separating into groups of the same sex but still notice one another. He has a gorgeous little four-year-old girlfriend, who used to be in his class last session. Now they go to separate schools, so (sigh) they only see one another from afar at birthday parties.
This past weekend, we attended yet another birthday party. I called his girlfriend's mom to see if she'd be there, and let her know that my son would be attending. This knowledge sparked this adorable little girl to write my son a love note. See it above...she drew him and her twice under the sun together. She wrote their names, but I cropped those out due to my son's and any child's privacy that I write about on my blogs.
It was the sweetest thing ever to see her hand it to him. I wondered if he'd respond in kind and smile sweetly at her. He just held on to it, without opening it and returned to making his party favor bag with the other kids. He's such a man. No matter that this beautiful girl took the effort to make you something...just take it in hand and keep on moving buddy! You better believe he walked out with her though when it was time to leave. He didn't want her to leave without him.
Wednesday night another friend of mine told me her little girl had made a note for my son, but that she forgot to bring it to church. I just shook my head and thought, 'man he's such a little ladies man!'
Most kids his age are learning how to count to ten, and he can count past 100 and add and subtract. Intelligence is a plus....but he's so into communication and socialization. I'm just glad he's balanced and not one of those kids, who is too smart to fit in.
hiya, I got to your blog from your comment at Michelle's blog and it's great to find another Christian's blog!
God bless!