Adnoid Removal...personal experiences please!

My son's scheduled to get tubes placed in his ears, and get his adenoids removed in about two weeks. He's only had six ear infections in four years, however, he's got fluid behind his eardrums that won't drain. And this fluid is causing hearing loss, which hopefully will reverse when the tubes are put in place. Since his adenoids are swollen - they're blocking his nasal passages and causing him to gag and have breathing issues.
I've heard mixed reviews about the surgery and the recovery from mom's I know. Can you all please put your two cents in so I can get more feedback?? I need some help here.


Rebecca said…
I'm sorry sweety, I don't have any experience with this. I'm sure the Lord will lead you to the right decision for your son. I'll keep him in my prayers.
Mahala said…
I've not had any experience with the tubes, but several of my family memebers have. They all swear by it.
Anonymous said…
I've heard this is a more simple procedure than a tonsilectomy, which my son had at age 7 and the recovery was horrendous. A good friend's son had his adenoids removed, and woke up from the anesthesia somewhat aggressive, but other than that, I believe the recovery was fairly easy.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks to all of you!

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