The hard lesson my son learned yesterday

Little boys are always infatuated by what (to put it bluntly) hangs between their legs. They're constantly playing with it or learning new ways to pee with it. My son likes to pee in my mother's lawn, much to her horror. We're trying to break him of that. It's funny...I've spent years breaking dogs of peeing indoors, now I'm reminding him that it's not nice to pee outdoors in Nana's lawn.

Needless to say, little boys at this age are trying to figure out what makes them unique and different from girls. They see the obvious differences...long hair vs short, attracted to dolls vs trucks, soft-spoken vs loud boy noises. But the most frequent question I get when it comes to body parts is: "Mommy, how come you don't stand up to go pee?"
My answer: "Because boys have pee pee's and girls don't."

Lately, he's on to bigger and better questions about things like strangers, or heaven, but yesterday he learned a hard lesson about protecting himself. He was coasting on his scooter that he got for Christmas. He has progressed so much with his speed and agility on it and hasn't fallen once. At least not hard anyways. Yesterday he was showing off how long he could coast on one foot, while his other was in the air. He turned a corner and pow, he fell down. The scooter landed right in his crotch, which immediately put him in tears.

My little boy had the first rack of his life and was amazed at the pain. Poor little guy. I felt so bad for him, but I couldn't bear to tell him that this would be one of many times he'd be injured here -especially if he continues to love sports the way he does.

After he calmed down, his first question was 'Why did Jesus and God make that thing so soft and loose? It's just gonna get hurt!'

I about lost it! When his dad came home they had a discussion on how boys are different, and this was part of it. He told him about cups and how they would protect him in different sports. My four-year-old seemed to like that idea a lot!


Loz said…
There wouldn't be a bloke on Earth who reads this and doesn't wince :)
Rebecca said…
LOL! Too funny. I'm so glad daddy was around to help out with that one. Poor little guy, I guess some lessons are learned the hard way.
Kimberly McKay said…
LOL...for sure rebecca! It was so sad but funny. Loz...I can't imagine that type of pain...except for child birth.
Anonymous said…
"So soft and loose"... LOL... what a funny little guy!
Anonymous said…
This may be news to you, or not. Little boys never give up being infatuated with what is between their legs...have you ever sat on a bench and watched the males of the world stroll's humorous.
Mommy's Getaway said…
Leendaluu...Too true and way funny!

Oh I winced when I saw the falling down and getting racked part. I am not looking forward to that happening with my son. OUCH!

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