To all Mothers!!

To me, every day is mother's day! Not that all us mothers shouldn't enjoy those around us reflecting on how wonderful we are...we should.

But what a lot of people don't get is how wonderful it is to be a mom! Most people think mother's day just a day to pay homage to the woman to holds it all together....what they don't know is that its also a reminder to us moms how good we've got it. We're the lucky ones!

I wish all of you moms out there the best day today. I hope you bask in adoration. I hope you realize how much you're cherished. For those of you that feel you don't do enough as a mom, I hope you realize that everything you do is appreciated and recognized. You're all great moms!

I wouldn't be half the mom I was if I hadn't had the best example to refer to. My mother is the most giving woman I've ever known. If I do half as good as she did then I will consider myself a success in the mom department.
Here's a letter I wrote to her in December of 1995. She was going through some rough times emotionally. She felt like a failure as a mom as a result of some things my sister and I were going through. She internalized our problems and it hit her pretty hard. I want to re-post this letter as a tribute to what a great mom I have:

You've brought us into this world, a place of dangerous possibilities, and nurtured and cared for us.
What makes you different is not only what you do but how you carry yourself.
You are a mother with dignity and grace.
Throughout life, you may not have been rich, but your kids were your pride and wealth.
We always came first; putting yourself in last place.
When our knees were hurt, you kissed them and proceeded to doctor them with a magical band-aid.
When our feelings were hurt, during those emotional times, you put your arms around us and told us how wonderful we were.
Later in life, when we really needed a gave both-200%!
During gave us stern advice and then tried to mend the situation.
Your heart is bigger than any in existence.
Your arms are more comforting than a warm blanket on a rainy day.
You're a strong woman to let us grow up and learn our own way in this world.
You've loved us, listened to our fears and doubts, protected us from as much as possible, and pushed us to be our own women.
Mom, my sister & I, because of you, are now strong beautiful women. We're successful, kind-hearted, and vivacious human beings, who owe everything we have to God and our parents.
So when you say you're a failure, because you don't know how to fix our hurts, you're wrong...
You're the most successful mother! We turn to you because we love and trust you with our hearts.
Be content in this...your daughters may have difficulties beyond your motherly realm, but we will always have your arms to fall into.
With all my love,


Anonymous said…
What a fantastic post! What a great reminder that we all just do the best we can, and that's all anyone can ask. Your family is lucky to have you and it sounds like your mom was a shining example of what unconditional love is all about.

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