Home From the Hospital

My little one was rushed to the ER yesterday from being dehydrated due to a nasty stomach bug. His doctor told me that his body was producing acid, which was in his bloodstream. The side effects were vomiting and diarrhea, so even if the bug were on the tail end my son wouldn't have stopped throwing up at both ends. He basically was in a downward spiral to no end.

I thank the Lord that He gave me the clarity and wisdom to know to get him the help he needed and fast. My mother added his name to a prayer chain at church and put the word out to our huge family of believers. So, we had so many loved ones and friends praying for him. God has answered our prayers in a desperate time of need. He's gone from being non-responsive to an alert little boy. He's now home, re-hydrated, but we're watching him, making sure he doesn't relapse.

Please keep us in your prayers as well for continued healing.
Thank you to all of my friends!


Ang said…
How scary! He will definitely be in my prayers.
Rebecca said…
Glad he is recovering well!
Anonymous said…
I'm glad he's doing better. I will keep him in my prayers!

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