I think I can...I think I can

What an honor to have the Thinking Blogger Award bestowed upon me! Thank you to my friend at A not so desperate housewife for nominating me for this. She's an amazing mother and military wife, who runs an awesome blog.

So why do I blog? Because I'm driven to write every day. It's almost a calling! It's definitely a desire and a passion of mine. Blogging allows me to share a little part of me with all of you. It's a way to connect to the human race...to let you all know that through all our differences or quirks, we're all really just alike. We have the basic needs and wants that most do, some just express it better through blogging!

Five others I would like to award this to? That's easy!
The Candles
Wandering and Wondering
Vibrance in Ministry
Grit's n Grace
Beverely's Blog

All five of these recipients deserve this award due to their extraordinary views of the world and how they beautifully express them. Please take a minute to visit these links, and I hope I've linked these the right way. I've not done it before on Blogger, only on WordPress. I apologize if I didn't do it correctly.

To those that have been awarded the THINKING BLOGGER AWARD: congratulations!!!!

You all won this because every time I visit your pages, I am amazed at your posts and you've truly inspired me. Please repost this award on your site and list five others you'd like to award! Also link back to my page, so that we can track this award and to whom it goes.

Thank you and have a great day!!!


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