everyday miracles

One thing that always gets me is when people call me 'lucky' or when something good happens in their own life-they wonder at their own good luck. I think too often in our society we overlook our blessings! I know firsthand how many miracles have been performed in my life, and luck had nothing to do with them. I know non-believers can't give credit where credit is due because they don't believe God is at work in their own lives....especially when it comes to the small stuff.

Trust me people--God's miracles aren't just in the Bible! From the moment we're born we're blessed with relationships, jobs, safe travels, a comforting shoulder when we're upset, a smile from a stranger. We never know what God is delivering right in our own lap if we don't pay attention. Someone asked me lately how I stay in tune with God even when life gets so bad. That's when I try to stay more in tune than ever by counting my blessings.

I have made subtle little comments in previous blogs on difficult times in my life, but have never given any insight to my friends on myspace to what those are. My real space (real-life) friends know these things, but you---reading this--- probably don't. I won't bog you down with life's trauma, but I will try to uplift you by telling you about God's inspiration in my life.

My husband a few years back had a severe case of adult onset allergies that we were unaware of. He was allergic to many foods that he unknowingly kept eating until one night it was too late. We were heading home after a night of food and beverage, and my better half started acting irate and irritable due to the supply of oxygen slowly being cut off. Being a newlywed, I just thought I was seeing a new side to my husband and was clueless. We started home and was about a mile from our house when he pulled over claiming he was not feeling well enough to make it that last mile.

By the time it took for he and I to switch places and fasten our seatbelts...he was passed out with his neck swollen past his chin and clavicle. His face was so swollen that his eyes were sunk in and he wasn't breathing. Thank the Lord for LARGE miracles, we had pulled over in a parking lot across from a hospital. So I took off running red lights, stop signs and driving into oncoming traffic....all the while beating his chest with one fist and trying to steer with the other.

Our life flashed before my eyes...the years we would never have, the children we'd never conceive....and all I could yell was, "God No, Please NO! Help me!" I pulled into the ER after driving around it twice trying to find the ER entrance....it wasn't clearly marked back then like it is now. I rolled down my window and started screaming to get a doctor. It felt like an episode of ER. The doctors would not let me back to see him once I parked and came inside. From what I learned later ... if I had gotten him there 20 seconds later, he wouldn't have made it. His airway was so constricted that they couldn't even bag him to get a tube down his throat. Afterward, a nurse told me they weren't having any success tubing him and didn't think he would make it. She told me I was lucky. It wasn't luck that my husband made it, & with 20 seconds to spare!

That night, God provided 1 of countless miracles in my life and I'll never forget the panic and fear I felt. He kept me sane enough to drive without crashing into oncoming traffic and around cars at stop signs. He got me to the hospital in the nick of time, and he saved the love of my life.

I just wanted to share with you that He loves all of you.

You all have miracles in your life as well. You just have to stop and pay attention.


Anonymous said…
Hello Blessed1,

Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. Sounds like you've also met the "greatness of God's faithfulness." You're right. Luck had nothing to do with God saving your husband.

The work you're doing here is eternal. I'll definitely be back to hear more of what you have to share to inspire me. May the peace of God be with you and your family always.
Pankaj said…
Touching!Its true,there is nothing like luck,we just have to give ourselves to God and see his miracles,everyday,every moment.

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