
Showing posts from October, 2009

I'm getting old fast

So I found a lump about two weeks ago. A pretty substantially sized lump and it kinda freaked me out. I've only recently started doing self-exams in the last couple of years, and I'll admit I'm not as vigilant as I should be. For the last six months, one breast has been really tender to where I can't even sleep on one side at night. I've always heard cancer doesn't hurt, so I wasn't too concerned about it being the big C. But I have to admit when I found that lump I was so sick to my stomach that I slid to sit in the shower. After a few moments, I stood to wash my hair washed and cleaned enough to get out and dry off with a towel. All the while, my stomach was in a lurch and my hands were shaky. About an hour later, I snapped out of it. I was going to be okay. After all, it was just a little lump. I prayed over it and started the day with determination, not worrying about anything I couldn't control. After handing it to God, I knew it was i...